Information for Administrators

We are available for virtual calls this spring for administrators who have questions or would like more details about teacher participation in CHOICE. These calls are geared toward division superintendents and their secondary instructional team members and serve to underscore how schools and divisions can engage with the CHOICE initiative. We will share a program overview, the timeline, and discuss the eligibility for teachers wishing to participate in CHOICE.

Interested in having your school or your division participate in the CHOICE project? Click the button below set up a time to chat with us via Zoom!

Information for Teachers

 We are inviting high school science, math, CTE, and computer science teachers to join CHOICE!  Complete the interest form to learn details on how teachers can join CHOICE and have access to $2000 annually to cover professional learning you choose as well as additional PL-associated costs such as travel or materials. Check below to complete an interest form and we’ll reach out to share when we’ll be in your area! You can also follow us on social media for additional details!

Interested in becoming a CHOICE teacher? Click the button below to complete the interest form!